The Professional Law Office of Leandro H. Duran, Esq.

1990 N California Blvd. Walnut Creek CA 94596 (510) 540-1046

Leandro H. Duran, Esq.

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Important Legal Contributions

Vann v. Travelers (1995) 39 Cal App 4th 1610 - This case is cited by many legal and professional periodicals on issues pertaining to "duty to defend: in an insurance context, summanry adjudication motions, groundwater and environmental coverage for gradual pollution (i.e., sudden-accidental exception). In addition the case is one of five cases noted nationwide in 48 AALR 5th 355 [ What Constitutes "Suit" Triggering Insurer's Duty to Defend Environmental Claims-State Cases.

The above noted case was the front page story in the California Lawyer Magazine, November 1997 edition. Ultimately, a veredict in the sum of 26.5 million was unheld on appeal. The case resolved itself by the refusal of the US Supreme to issue a stay in August, 1998.

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